Today is the day, I've been waiting for so long.
Yes, it is.
I went to the bank this morning. Saw only a few people lining up at the ASM counter. I lined up together with them. Filled in some forms and got my ASM account created. Happily, I walked out of the bank. What a beautiful day.
Piak! *slap my self*Piak! Piak!! *slap myself again*Wake up!!!!
Duh! I must be dreaming, man. I'm a bit cacat now. My feet are so numb and painful due to the long queue. Queue???
Yes, a super long queue!!!!
I went to Pending Maybank this morning around 9.30. The bank was crowded and they told me they have finished up their ASM forms. Ok nevermind. I contacted mum. She was on the way to MJC with Tua Ee (my mum's sis). I told her my condition. Mum managed to grab me a piece of form at RHB. Happily I drove to MJC.
On the way to MJC, mum told me they were in Maybank because RHB was crowded with people. I went to Maybank. Then mum told me that Maybank has finished up their account book. Damn! I took the form from mum, drove to the next block where the RHB is just right beside KFC.
I went into RHB. Walau eh... the place was even more crowded!
The queue was up to the front door. Then I saw people holding their forms and photocopy IC. Shit! I didn't bring any photocopy IC with me! What to do...?!! I walked around asking people where can I do photocopy. After walking a long stretch of road, finally I got my photocopy IC done. I started to line up. Of course, near to the front glass door there, to get my finger print done on the form.
At 11am, I was still lining up getting my finger print done on that stupid application form. I got my finger print done around 12 noon and proceed to line up at the longest queue ever in my life. If the queue was moving, I'm totally fine with that. But the terrible part is, the queue was not moving for hours!!!!
Do you know how long I spend queuing up at RHB? 4 fucking hours, man. Hear carefully,
FOUR FUCKING HOURS!!!!Initially RHB only allows one counter to do the ASM tansaction. Due to the congestion, they opened up another counter. According to them, the idiot ASM system they have was very slow because of our lack of cooperation. Fuck. Can't you see that the queue was so long until some of the people need to squeeze in between the wall???
Now the question is, why is it ASM HQ can do transaction using so many PCs and they were like light speed fast?!! What were you guys actually doing behind the computers? Can you tell me?Plus some of the investors bringing a whole bunch of kids to the bank... Argggghh!!! I really felt like strangling them on the spot. They kept on playing hide and seek stuffs, then ran here ran there. Really sickening. If you really want to go to the bank during such occasion, why would you want to bring a lot of kids with you there? Common sense will tell you that you'll ended up lining there for a long time.
For those who do not know what does ASM stands for, it stands for Amanah Saham Malaysia. It is opened up for the whole nation by our dear government. Everyone can buy the fund provided there are available units. Our government will sell out 1 billion units within 7 days. That must be kidding. I think you can laugh already if the units are still available after 3 days. Everyone is fighting for this fund is because of the high return. They are giving out at least 7% per annum. Woot! Fixed-D nowadays only gives out 3.5% per annum. Doubling the interest. But, government states that one account is only allowed to buy up to maximum 10,000 units only :(
2pm, I was still queuing up. I thought that I'm going to die of thirst, hunger or getting an urinary infection gifts from ASM. Few minutes later, the counter girls told us that they have finished up with their account books. Argghhhhh!!!! How come?? I've been queuing up like 4 hours here and you tell me I can't buy the fund anymore?!!!
Why is it you guys can't count how many books you have meh??? If let's say you have only 100 books, then bring in the 100 person only lah. Really sakai.Disappointedly, I walked back to my car and told mum my my disappointment. Mum called me 15 minutes later. She told me that the ASM HQ has one mountain of account books... ahahhha... so happy la... I raced to ASM HQ at Rubber Road.
When I reached ASM HQ, there was a lady at the counter. I passed her my forms and she asked how much I want to bank in. I told her: "RM2,800". Before I handed her my money, I recount again. She with her damn tulan face, she said: "Eh, arrange your money la... I malas mahu buat!"
I was so puzzled. I've already arrange the money in three stacks; RM1k, RM1k and RM800. So I pointed my three stacks of money, and count for her: "RM1000, RM1000, RM800".
Feeling behsong, she took my money and said:"So two thousand ah!"
I replied her patiently, "No, I say RM2,800."
She answered me back, "Just now you told me RM2,000!!". And scribbled on my forms.
MOTHER FUCKER. What's wrong with RM2,800 and RM2,000???? Your ear dirt too many already until cannot hear properly. And now customer was telling you RM2,800 and gave you RM2,800. Don't tell me easy conversation like this also cannot understand?!!
Feeling so pissed off, I raised my voice, "I said, RM2800 just now. Two thousand and eight hundred!"
Then out of no where, my mum popped out behind me. Gosh! Everyone was looking at me for raising such loud voice. But I was really pissed off mah.
Then that lady go and answered me back, "Eh leh... banyak cakap!"
What??? I banyak cakap??? Hello?? Who banyak cakap at the first place??
Ahhh... dont care la... as long as you proceed my RM2,800 I'm already happy. Standing 4 hours and got insulted by people for nothing really make it my fuckiest day on earth.
My asked mum to go back to ASM HQ again the next day to buy some more units.
These are the pictures that will keep you happy the whole day.
So now, I'm sitting in front of my laptop with my aching feet. Guess this is the price I need to pay to buy some units from ASM.