DO NOT blog about work!! Unless you want to get sue-d or getting a plate of fried sotong home. Haha... Shame on you bastard! Hehe.
Well, I love to blog. I blog about my feelings and my daily monotonous routine which are kinda' boring. I admit that sometimes I blog about work. But not leaking out those confidential information, like what that bastard did. Haha... Serve you right..!
I love to take pictures. But of cuz, not those highly confidential pictures *ahem* (I'm hinting some bastard outside again)
Well, let me show you what kind of pictures I normally take:
Uhhhh... irresistibly cute! I love the way she squats!
And I got a feline friend from my workplace. He is handsome....
.... and FOUR legged.
Cute right?
That's my Miss Gold behind.
Am I gonna get sued for showing some random pictures of my workplace??? 666!!!
*666 - learned that from my fav blogger Ringo*