Sunday 2 August 2009

Could you please clear your conscience?

Some people just like to give excuses and reasons to explain why they are not there to help. To me, these are all rubbish.

In my point of view, I don't owe people explanation if I have a clear conscience. Why need to give reasons like "I'm so sick la", "I got high blood pressure", "I don't have enough sleep", "I have flu and fever", while we all know you are actually lazy and escaping duties?

I know you are "religious". But please don't preach your religion as if you are an insurance agent trying to achieve your target. I post this up just to relief myself. I do not need to mention who you are and tell people what you did. But all the people around you have eyes. We listen, we see and we judge. And most importantly, God witness everything.

I don't think you are a good person if you have a black heart, tho' you are so damn "religious". May God bless you and cure you.

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