Sunday 5 July 2009


I've been hibernating.

And I got good news. (Oh damn, it's about work again!)

I officially sold my first engine in April and that is where my momentum starts rolling in.

Sold another one in May.

Another one in June...

And guess what..? I sold 6 units fleet in July!!

July's order is like RM 246,000 kind of thing... Hehe...

Hard works really paid off. I'm now aiming for another RM 400k deal.... but that's a tough one...

But nevermind, I should put more faith and positive towards my next deal. Gambatteh!


古小玉 said...

Hey, congrulation. Hope more to come ya!

Shen said...

Hahahahaaaa *faded*

Pray hard lor... BUt customers are people who are very hard to handle.
Dont know what happen to me this week. Keep on got scolded by customers nia...