Friday, 18 April 2008

Good memory

Sneak Peek
Is my new setting too pinkish?? Haha!


Well, I was on MC the day after my birthday. :(

I had a bad sorethroat, and don't know out of a sudden, I had a flu after waking up from my sleep. Feeling restless and not so good, I went to see doctor and he gave me MC ;D

Recently, the weather out there is kind of sot sot. I see people getting sick each day. Last week, it was my immediate boss who went MC continuously for 3 days. Then my operator. FOllow up by my fellow colleagues. The love..oopsss...virus is in the AIR!!

Ok, cut this off. I'm actually gonna blog about my birthday.

After these 26 years on earth, this is my best birthday ever! Throughout these 26 years(exept for last year by my operators), no one has ever throw me a birthday party before. Wow... I got 2 birthday party this year, man!

Good things that happen to me during my 26th birthday:

  1. Stupid Streamyx recovered. Yea! I can online on my birthday!

  2. Boyfy gave me a surprise party at work with managers, immediate boss, colleagues and some operators.

  3. I got a cheap present(I didn't say that, he said it himself) from my boyfy. A chocolate hamper with two cutie tiny bear on top... Love the teddy bears tho'!

  4. Received numerous SMS and friendster comments wishing me Happy Birthday.

  5. Received few phone calls from my colleagues and Kelvin (while I was sleeping!) wishing me birthday.

  6. Operators gave me a surprise birthday party at the canteen. The crowd was huge, man! 76 operators celebrating my birthday for me, singing the longest birthday song ever, until my birthday party occupies 1/3 of the canteen, and everyone looking into my direction. Damn pai se neh~

  7. I got 4 birthday cakes this year: One from Boyfy, Three from operators.

  8. My LL gave me a piece of chocolate cake sprinkled with colourful chocolate rice. How nice of her.

  9. The cake given by my LL was attacked by antz in the office. So, I treated that piece of cute chocolate cake to some cute-y cats that stay below my apartment ;P

  10. I got one 916 gold necklace from my operators worth RM300!! WOw... i don't expect they will give me such expensive present!

  11. My immediate boss sticked up a paper on the glass facing my work station, wishing me "Happy 17th Birthday, Shereen" :/

9 good things happened on my birthday. Cats have 9 lifes. So I guess I will live in this world for a long long time lar...

Thanks for everything, heaps!