First day was tiring. I've not been exercising after karen was born. And furthermore I'm a sport dummy. It took me half run half walk 3 rounds for 30 mins. I went home telling myself I must get a sport bra.
I've been wanting a sport bra ever since before I got pregnant. Finally I have a reason to get one.
That 1st night was awesome. I did not suffer from any leg aches.
So I came back with a sport bra on the 2nd morning. I still took 3 rounds. This time I ran quite hard during my 1st round. I ended all 3 rounds in 20 mins. I terribly tired after getting my 3rd round. My legs finally ache. Arhhh!
I went back again on the 3rd day. I got myself another 3 rounds. 24 mins. Slightly slower but I feel better. Legs still ache.
4th day, that's today, I did 3 rounds too. I ran for almost 2 rounds before I walked the last round. My legs feel slightly better. I finished all 3 rounds in 26 mins.
But there's a problem. I've been drinking a lot of coffee these few days. I went mcd for arabica coffee. I took coffee peng in coffee shops. I went to starbucks for mocha. I had a heart palpitation this afternoon. It lasted for more than 15 mins. I really scare I will just collapse and die.
When I die, I just die. I ended everything just like that. Nothing to worry, no prolong pain or what. First peron comes into my mind is Karen. I cannot leave her alone. She needs me a lot.
Perhaps I should stop coffee. Or limit myself to 1 cup per week. Coffee & exercise should not works hand in hand I guess.